Units in FLOOXS

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Defining Grid

When defining a grid, the units are in microns for all dimensional spaces (1D, 2D, and 3D).

For example:

line x loc = 4.0 

is at 4 microns.

Current in 1D

Internal units are in particles/cm2.

For example:

pdbSetDouble $Contact DevPsi Flux.Scale 1.602e-19

In the contact procedure “fixed.scale q” converts from particles/cm2 to A/cm2.

The current, now in A/cm2, is multiplied by the width and depth of the contact from the contact procedure.

contact name = x add supply width = 1.0 depth =1.0

Numerical values are in µm, so in the example above, width and depth are both set to 1.0 µm. The current gets multiplied by 1 x 10-4 and converted to A/µm2. Default values are set to 1µm, so even if you don’t specify dimensions, it automatically converts to µm2.

Within the current command you can multiply to further change the units:

set cur [expr 1000.0 * abs([contact name=top sol=Qfn flux] - [contact name=top sol=Qfp flux])]

The above example converts from A to mA.