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plot2d - plot a two-dimensional XY picture



[ graph = <c> ] 
[ clear ] 
[ xlab==<c>] [ylab==<c>] [title==<c>]
[ (xvalue = <n>) | (yvalue = <n>) | (zvalue = <n>) ]
[ xmax=<n> ] [ xmin=<n> ] [ ymax=<n> ] [ ymin=<n> ]
[ bound ] [ grid ] [ mater ] [ colors ]
[ contact ] [ pen = <c> ]
[ lines = <i> ] [ levels = <i> ] [ colorbar ] [units = <c> ][ labels ]
[ aspect ]


The plot.2d statement allows the user to prepare a two-dimensional XY plot. This command is usually used to look at material boundaries and grids, however, it can also be used to plot contours of a selected variable.

This string allows the graph to be named. Any graphs using the same name will be plotted on the same window pane. This enables multiples lies to put on the same plot surface.
Change the default horizontal axis label

Change the default vertical axis label

Change the title on the graph
xvalue, yvalue, zvalue
These parameters specify the constant values of a plane to perform sectioning along in microns. In two dimensions, these parameters are not necessary. In three dimensions, only one of xvalue, yvalue, or zvalue can be specified for a given device. Specifying xvalue will produce a horizontal slice through the device and yvalue will specify a vertical slice. An easy way to remember is that the cross-section is taken at the constant value specified.
The clear parameter specifies whether the graphics screen should be cleared before the graph is drawn. If true, the screen is cleared. It defaults false.
xmin, max
These parameters allow the user to specify the limits of the x-axis of the plot.
ymin, ymax
These parameters allow the user to specify the limits of the y-axis of the plot.
This parameter specifies that the device outline and material interfaces should be drawn. It defaults to false.
The grid parameter specifies that the numerical grid the problem was solved on should be drawn. It defaults to false.
mater, color
Color the specified material the value of the color.
The aspect parameter specifies that the device should be drawn with the proper aspect ratio of the size of the slice. If aspect is true, the device will be drawn with the proper aspect ratio. When false, the device will be expanded to fill the screen. It defaults to true.
contact, pen
Draw the contact on the plot with the specified pen type.
levels, line, colorbar, units, labels
These parameters control color contours of the selected plot variable. Levels control the number of shades employed between blue and red. Lines will draw black isobar lines on the plot. These can be used together or separately. Colorbar will add a labeled color bar to the right of the plot and units controls the legend written underneath the color bar. Labels will add a numeric value to the lines drawn.


plot2d grid  graph=p2d

This command will draw the grid and axis. Each material will be plotted in a different color.

plot2d bound xmin = 2 ymin = 5 graph=p2d

This command will draw the material interfaces with the maximum x and y values of 2.0 and 5.0 um.

plot2d bound graph=p2d

This command will draw the material interfaces and place symbols at each coordinate in the mesh.

plot2d contact=Gate graph = p2d pen=G

This command will draw the contact interface for the Gate using pen style G.

plot2d levels = 100 colorbar graph = p2d

This command will provide a color plot with color bar on the graph p2d.

See Also

selectCommand pen